3 Cars Pile Up In Front of You, But Your Brakes Worked and You Are Safe!

When everyone stops but you, chances are you're going to the hospital, don't drive on worn brakes. Your life depends on it>

If someone pulls out in front of you, you want your brakes to work. If the light changes from yellow to red quicker than you expect, you want your brakes to work. The Shop is known for its outstanding full-service brake work. ABS sensors, Brake Fluids & Lines, along with Drums & Disc, we can inspect, fix or replace them all. As a NAPA Auto Care Center we have the knowledge to provide all of the maintenance and replacement work you need for your brakes. Everyone wants to be sure that their brakes are reliable. And everyone wants to be sure they are receiving a reasonable rate on their brake work that needs to be done. Whether it is routine maintenance or full replacement our NAPA Auto Care center professionals are happy to provide you with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty on most of the repairs and replacements that we offer. If you are in need of brake services, don’t hesitate, contact us today!